Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Compare the various HTML authoring tools. Which do you think is the best to use? What are your reasons?

html is a authoring tool for people to create their own website. there are some of the html tools to use such as Aptana Studio 3, Arachnophlia, bluefish, coffeecup, eclipse, commodo, Microsoft visual studio community. netbeans and many more. these are the popular html tools that normally people will use for authoring the html online.

since there are a lot of popular html tools that's is stated above but If I needed to choose the best of the best, its the Microsoft visual studio community. first off all, Microsoft is one of the best tools for the people who are working and schooling to do their project, presentation etc. if you are not boycotting the Microsoft because of the boycott campaign by the Arachnophlia creator, Paul Lutus then I would recommend this html authoring tool as one of the best one to use. there are two version which is the free version and the premium version of it. the free version supports up to five users and its one of their IDE edition. the premium version is more detailed and advanced then the free one. this includes all the essentials for the html authoring tools for html editing. they also add in some useful tools on the mobile app version such as a code sharing tools between the android and iOS users.

actually, Microsoft visual studio community is an integrated development environment from Microsoft. it is used to develop computer programs as well as the website, website apps, web services and mobile apps. the CEO of Microsoft, Paul Allen says that this html authoring tools can support 36 different programming languages and allows the editor and debuggers to support nearly any programming language and provide a specific service exists. these are why Microsoft visual studio community is one of the best html authoring tools to use for html tools and I would 100% recommend to the people who are finding the best html authoring tools. 

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