Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Find an ad that appears on your social media feed. How would you enhance or improve the campaign?

this ad is the ad that actually appears on my timeline of my instagram as you can see its about from grab food itself. they are offering 70% percent off for their delivery of any food. this is actually good for those who actually uses grab food a lot to order the food and they can get discounts for what they ordered through their delivery service itself. 

I suggest that grab food needs to improve the creativity and the type of promotions that they are offering to the grab food users. like maybe they can add some sprinkles of slogans or even a different varieties of food from local to international popular cuisines. they can also add some complimentary or even some goodies for those who ordered above the amount required. grab food can also give further discounts or help for those who are poor and been living a really unlucky life out there by giving them free delivery charges or even extra sides like a voucher or a redeemable coupons for them to use in the future. I also wanted to say that grab food should also do the promotion during the other festives as we all know singapore is a diverse country. this can help grab food to add up their revenue and sales rapidly to impress the public

although grab food has been one of the successful but they also need to improve in the social corporate responsibility aspect. these aspect is also important to help to keep up the company image as the community cares about those who in need. other bigger delivery company like food panda they have been doing a good job on csr itself and it makes them a big and successful delivery service after garb food. hope to see the improvement in the future. 


Think about the last game you played. (This includes casual games on the mobile platform.) What do you think were the resources required for its creation?

in the world of digital technology are available, many of the new things can be found and done by using only the technology that is available. example, computers, laptop and phones can be used to download and play the game that we wanted to or the popular one. or maybe use it to search up for the game that we wanted to. In this case, what I like about the last game that I played which is player unknown battleground

player unknown battleground or know as PUBG is a online battle royal game that's invented by the Korean gaming group PUBG INC. PUBG INC is a South Korean video game group bluehole inc. this game is a online battle royal survival like game. it fits 100 players in one server room and there will be only one winner throughout the game. there is a lot of maps and mode to choose from and its one of the best game in the world. what I like about this game is the graphic and the maps itself. the graphic is really clear and visualising the map is like a real representation of the real world place and it felt realistic. this games need a little varieties of maps, modes, or even the weapon to target the enemy easier. the it developer needs to develop a little more on their communication. 

in conclusion, a game can be very attentive and nice if the developer can spice up a little bit the game by adding some new or creative mode or maps to the game. games sometimes need something interesting and new to attract the gamers to play the game but its not really easy since developer need some times and big brain time to do so. 


Compare the various HTML authoring tools. Which do you think is the best to use? What are your reasons?

html is a authoring tool for people to create their own website. there are some of the html tools to use such as Aptana Studio 3, Arachnophlia, bluefish, coffeecup, eclipse, commodo, Microsoft visual studio community. netbeans and many more. these are the popular html tools that normally people will use for authoring the html online.

since there are a lot of popular html tools that's is stated above but If I needed to choose the best of the best, its the Microsoft visual studio community. first off all, Microsoft is one of the best tools for the people who are working and schooling to do their project, presentation etc. if you are not boycotting the Microsoft because of the boycott campaign by the Arachnophlia creator, Paul Lutus then I would recommend this html authoring tool as one of the best one to use. there are two version which is the free version and the premium version of it. the free version supports up to five users and its one of their IDE edition. the premium version is more detailed and advanced then the free one. this includes all the essentials for the html authoring tools for html editing. they also add in some useful tools on the mobile app version such as a code sharing tools between the android and iOS users.

actually, Microsoft visual studio community is an integrated development environment from Microsoft. it is used to develop computer programs as well as the website, website apps, web services and mobile apps. the CEO of Microsoft, Paul Allen says that this html authoring tools can support 36 different programming languages and allows the editor and debuggers to support nearly any programming language and provide a specific service exists. these are why Microsoft visual studio community is one of the best html authoring tools to use for html tools and I would 100% recommend to the people who are finding the best html authoring tools. 


Describe the user interface of a website, app or game that you find exceptionally intuitive. What were the qualities that made it so?

the user interface of a website that I found its exceptionally intuitive is the wikipedia.first of all, this wikipedia website is a free encyclopaedia, collaboratively written by the people or public user who use this encyclopaedia as their source of information that they wanted. it is a very special type of website that's created that's designed to make the collaboration work of people around the world easier that's Called wiki. many of the people are constantly renewing the wikipedia facts every hours making thousands or millions of change towards the article they see or write. it is mainly written in English but there's also the other language that's available if you search it through your language or the language that you want. It started in 2001 and contains 5, 802, 381 articles that's written in the wikipedia. 

I felt that wikipedia is intuitive because its the easiest and fastest resource for getting the information for assignments, report or even things that you are searching for. yes we do search things in google but the searches will include the wikipedia in it and its on the top search so we just click on it. whenever I need to do my assignments and report I would usually go to wikipedia first to understand it and move on to the other website although wikipedia information is sometimes been change or fabricated its information by some un ethical people but wikipedia is my number one sources of information and lets just say I used wikipedia a Lot for my work and understanding and it makes me understand it better and deeper. I think most of the students who needs to do research for projects or assignments will go to wikipedia to search it first then move on to another website. it mainly a website of information for students. 

this wikipedia was found in march 2000 by the company named bomis,a web portal company. the ceo of the bomis company its jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.the editor-in-chief for nupedia and the later for the wikipedia. the website is on the number one engine search because most of the people will visit wikipedia site to find the information and wikipedia itself has the answer for the question or the things they are looking for online and they don't want to fo on another website ended up the information is not there and they need to spend a lot of time finding it so they use wikipedia instead. this is why wikipedia is the famous website for information search among the people because its on the top search and its easy for them to find it. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019


what do you think of click bait as it is used on the various online media?
is the use of it justified?

click bait is necessary to gain the viewers attention into looking the content they wanted as nowadays everything online is super competitive. click bait is not all about false title just to ensure you got the attention on them it is just an extra way to bring you and many people as possible as they can in to their own market. but not all people will be the same as some of them may not be comfortable with it and some will be ok with it as It wins their attention into looking into the content anyway. but, click bait is not a good thing if this practice is only focusing on gaining attention and money not giving what the viewers content that they wanted.

we will not sell the product If we ourself isn't sure about the tactic that we use will help the product to  sold out fast and instead it became a big flop because we don't use the correct tactic on click baiting people. but in the case of online and media world, the product is a big flop because some of the consumers aren't satisfied because its just for entertainment purpose and it will not benefit them so they don't want to pay a single cent for it. it is something that will annoy us if we see these un content click bait many times and soon we will be ignoring them. but if we actually really understand what click bait is all about, we might want to try these new thing willingly or we may see it as a big threat instead of a good content.

for example, a business website, Many of these business website actually use click bait for their title for their article to attract more people into viewing or reading the article like "how to make money within 3 days with just this 3 step without having to stress yourself out"and they do this they can earn a lots of money. but people don't like these type of things because when they click on that its all about an unknown and untrusted investment or some bank loan that wanna advertise online to get people into their market. the viewers will think that the title and the content is not the same and they might want to take our money only and they will either ignore or report it to the authority as they think this is something illegal. 


What would be a cause which you feel most strongly about? How would you create awareness using only digital platforms? What would be your intended result?


Are you a member of the creative class? What makes you able to fit in this category? What are your shortcomings and how would you address them?

a member of creative class is someone who is really active in participating the process of creating a new content. the content can be anything like arts, musical, educational or anything that can be consumed or interact with. In the world of modern era with technology and digital devices that's easy to be found, many people will be the part of the creative class as simple contribution. such as posting a story or posting a picture of you or even other objects also considered as creating a content and is the part of creative class.

I would consider myself as a part of creative class because I would say quite frequently in creating or sharing a content that is a good content in the online world and in the real world. my hobbies are creating some cool and sleek edits of Kpop idol in general or even writing a fan fiction about Kpop idols that every Kpop lovers will love and maybe relate it in their real life. I also engaged in a social network called wattpad and Tumblr to post my content that I generally created. I also engaged in socialising with my fellow Kpop friends who create or interested in the content that I created and even have a telegram group of our own called "Kpop content creator".I also engaged in discussion forum in the kpop content site to ask or shared the content that I've created with them and maybe asking their opinion on how to improve or creating the new edit or edit skills.

my shortcomings are that my creations can be more original and fresh from the others and might be a inspiration to the new kpop content creator to create the content that they want. rather than just creating some sleek or sexy concept content that are kpop fans faves. I wanted to create a more original and fresh content of my own ideas that no one even can think of or even the content can make the fans or viewers emotionally attract to my content without giving them a bad impression. I also wanted my content to be more meaningful and leave a positive impact to the person or viewers who was watching or viewing my content. I also encourage people to get the message and positive vibes from my content while enjoying it.

I could also make better my creative skills of editing and writing to make my content more meaningful rather than just to attract the viewers and share it to the online domain to ensure that I what I create can get a positive and good impact on the kpop society as a whole. whether through my fanfic or announcement message or through making someone felt emotionally attached, the better reach to the audience, the better message and meaning conveyed behind it has the impact on the society.


How would you make yourself viable in terms of knowledge and capabilities in a knowledge economy?

    a knowledge economy is a economy that depends on the quantity, quality, and the effectiveness of access to the information. in the world of modernisation, the knowledge economy had a same form of the economy in the developing countries like china. moreover, the globalise world runs on intellectual capital created by billions of people;e that are connected through the global digital networking, network makes everything impossible because of the conveniency that's provided in the technology. it is the power of creating and sharing this knowledge that's allows society to progress and the information nowadays were being shared in the large group of people in the speed of light.

a total of different skill set is required to stay viable in a knowledge economy. education is super important as the expertise values the this education in the world of economy. staying up-to-date with the latest technological trends and the use of it is also one of the essentials. communication skills are one of the biggest and most important factor to make ourself viable in a knowledge economy as sharing the information that's needed to a big group of people is also the essentials of all the activities in this field.

in conclusion, if I am able to communicate with a big number of people, working with others, to create and manage networks are the important part of knowledge economy and to stay viable in this field. this includes us to familiarise the tools that are use to work and network to be something possible. the competition between in various new and tech digital tools, information and technologies also plays the important role to make us stay viable In the knowledge economy. this days, its not only those IT technician or even the it domain people needs to know how to use the all kinds of new technologies. more workers and people from the different field of working world is also required to have at least some knowledge on ICT like networking, or even the basics of programming in the ICT world. knowing the basic and simple tools of knowledge economy also helps to improve the communication skills so that the information that we want to convey to others will be clear and effective through the networking site.


How do your social media networks mirror your own existence?

    social media has mirror my own existence in a really limited way. this is because the content that we posted online had duration of cure as times Fly quickly the situation will be forgotten or even delete its trace from the world of social media. most people will only post the bestest of the best among all of the part of their life, or use it as a main purpose of making themselves look good or cooler than others. it reflect the most highlighted things of my life and the content that I wanted to post online but its not necessarily what my life or existence will be irl as I don't share some of the things that I felt sensitive or too personal.

the friend or the people Im following In social media also doesn't reflect myself as whole. most people have maybe about thousands or more than the the connection with the social media society but its only like 10-15 percent only as they never know each other as whole. although they followed, comments, dm, pm, liked the post or the people, that doesn't means that it reflect everything as whole of a persons existence. I had a irl friend who followed and dm me through social media but never talked to me at all during face to face.

in all of the above, my social media networks mirror my existence of choice and privacy, as what I share, post and comment in the social media network its only relatable or even I felt safe and secured as it do not expose my real self. I have come across people who talks about their super private life like sex life to open that they felt the need to share however, I'm uncomfortable with that type of content and I tend not to post or share that type of aspect of my life

if my social media networks mirror my existence, then they are rose-tinted mirrors and with a limited view.


Describe your attachment to technology and social media. Would you be able to go back to a time without such technology?

  Technology has bring a lot of advance and modern lifestyle to the society in the 21st century.without technology, we wouldn't be living in the world of globalise business and there will be no international business. and the technology has helped the world to be connected to each other around the world.

I grow up in the era where the technology is still developing and being un famous as many people still using old way to communicate and I still remember that none of my family owns computers and television with the least use of it. it was just isn't important as nowadays but as I grow up and explore the depth of this modern world, I started to realise that technology is more and more important to the people as it gives a lot of advancement to them.

I've lived In Malaysia for almost DECADES for personal purpose and my parents living in Singapore to work and we hardly communicate as where I stay and where my parents work is far from home, so we decided to communicate through phonically then through text and FaceTime before I decided to continue my higher education in Singapore. yes, I do miss my parents especially my mom but technology has made my life easy and convenient as I can communicate with them although we are far away from each other

personal life aside, technology has been able to open my mind to the extend that I've never experience before in my life. through sites like Tumblr, I learn a lot about new and popular trends, culture and many more new things in the world through internet. and to have a lot of access to what I never expect to have is shocking but at the same time exciting to me. technology has bring a lot of changes to my life that now technology is my new friend and soulmate.

will I go back to the time before technology existed?I might or might not but I would say a big no as it is already part of my life.